The urban food industry is witnessing a drastic change. Salt and Sugar have come in the limelight as ‘nutritional villains’ and Indians are actively looking for alternatives for these. A poll by Gallop notes that more than 50% of all adults globally are looking for ways to avoid sugars in their diets. The same survey also indicated that more than 40% are trying to cut down on salt. This has led to an abundance of products like sugarless drinks, diet namkeens, protein snacks, and a number of other low-fat options in food and beverages.
While consumers are looking for options, which are low in calories, salt, and sugar; they are not willing to give away on taste.
As pioneers in taste, we are bridging this gap - through our Re-Imagine Modulation® Program, we ensure that there is no compromise on taste in pursuit of health. We combine our wide range of tools and technologies to elevate the taste experience by modulating basic tastes - sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami and masking undesired tastes.
Moreover, we have also developed technology that will help in enhancing the sensory experience of the product by working on the mouthfeel, fullness, body and fattiness. For instance, with the help of this technology, we are able to produce low-fat dairy products, which taste as rich and creamy as their full-fat counterparts and reduce the linger associated with low-calorie sweeteners.
As per the FICCI – PWC report, health and wellness are the most critical factors driving the Indian Food Industry. Now, consumers have started keeping a check on the ingredients and nutritional facts of what they eat and consciously track calorie and fat intake. Consumer satisfaction is our primary goal at IFF therefore we are partnering with our customers with simple alternative solutions to address the challenges of healthier yet tasty products.
Our team of experts is constantly striving to study consumer trends across India and developing technologies to meet these needs. Watch this space for more!